CoA Certificate
I am proud to offer those of you who have finished all three levels of CoA a certificate. I was talking to two of my European students and they specifically asked if I had a certificate. I had not thought of it since I have recently developed my online class during covid times and I had not gotten there yet. I want to do the very most for my students and I wanted to look into this more and find out if my students could get their extended credit units by taking my class. That is when I heard about the American Association of Drugless Practitioners accreditation. I applied for this and after reviewing my classes they certified Compatible Alternatives.
I’m very excited to offer this because I have developed these classes so that the Parcells System of Scientific Living would not fade away. I worked with Dr. Parcells for 10 years yet she didn’t have a certificate and I really wish I would have gotten that accreditation.
For students who have taken all 3 levels of CoA classes
My husband Andy and I made a very intentional trip to Sapello, New Mexico where Dr Parcells lived to make sure we could ask her for her blessing for us to teach her classes. We had a beautiful meeting and she told us she felt we would be great teachers and to continue empowering others. While we were talking one of the Doctors assistants knocked on the door and said that the doctor had a phone call and would she like to take it. She whispered who it was in the doctor’s ear and Dr. Parcells said oh yes I need to take that. Andy and I figured that this was an important student or doctor or one of the vital relationships that the doctor had. She was 105 at the time and her eyes twinkled when she looked at us and said I have to confirm my appointment with my hairdresser to get my hair dyed. We all had a good laugh and I loved that at 105 years old she still wanted to keep up her appearance yet she could laugh about it as well. Her laugh was the best and to be with her as she told her stories or recited a long poem that she remembered every word of was incredible. She died the next year at 106.
More than anything I want to put this certificate into people’s hands because so many of us Parcells students say, “Thank God we know what we know”. It is powerful to know how to figure out what we need to do to keep ourselves healthy. I want all of you to have this knowledge and teach others as well. With this certificate, we are all keeping Dr. Parcells teachings alive. If you have finished all 3 levels let me know and give me your full name so that I can digitally send you your certificate. Congratulations and Thank you!