Mind, body, spirit preventative care, gut health education

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I have been blessed to be able to speak at two Chiropractic conventions put on by Dr. Tedd Koren. The first was in Las Vegas and then he asked me to speak in Philadelphia. Tedd and I were introduced through his curiosity about Dr Parcells. Because of that, he and his family took all of my classes. Tedd wrote a fantastic paper on all of the detox baths that we suggest to use. I wanted to share that with you. Thank you Tedd! Incorporate these baths into your self care regime every week and you will leach out toxins, feel more relaxed and sleep better.

The Parcells’ Detoxification Baths and KST (Koren Specific Technique) Tedd Koren, DC www.korenwellness.com * Dr.koren@korenwellness.com * 215-699-7906

More Important Now Than Ever Cultures all over the world have practiced detoxification, cleansing and purification procedures for physical, mental and spiritual healing for millennia. All ancient peoples – Egyptian, Hebrew, Babylonian, Indian, Greek, Roman, Chinese, Japanese, European, Africa, Asian, Native American and others have sophisticated bathing, spa, massage and other procedures using hot baths, hot springs, sweat lodges, sauna, medicinal herbs and more as part of their health and healing practices.

The Hebrew Bible is replete with rules for cleanliness, foods to eat, foods to avoid and proper food combining.

With all that traditional wisdom, it is ironic that our modern civilization, being more toxic than any ancient culture largely ignored detoxification.

We have water and air pollution, herbicides, pesticides, vaccines, drugs, heavy metals, dental/oral infections and radiation that our bodies were never meant to encounter. People today are filled with more toxins than at any other time in human history. The result is more chronic illness, birth defects and premature death than ever before. How can we remedy this?


Broadly speaking, dis-ease or body malfunction, is the result of two things: not enough good nutrition and too much toxicity. Restoring health is theoretically very simple: improve what goes in (our food, water), avoid or remove toxins (dental/oral infections, EMFs and radiation) and cleanse our bodies.

We first need to stop making ourselves more toxic. We must eat nutrient-dense organic foods, drink clean water, avoid toxic foods and not mix different proteins at one meal.

Ancient peoples developed systems to restore our bodies to optimal function by removing physical blockages. As with detoxification procedures, various forms of bodywork are practiced in all cultures, all over the world. KST (Koren Specific Technique) is a powerful, sophisticated method to locate and release blockages, stress, interferences and imbalances in the body and body-mind relationship.

The subject of nutrition is discussed in my book Foods That Heal, Foods That Harm; toxicity anddetoxification is discussed in my book Cancer is Natural, So is the Cure. Both books include general rules for healing and health and resources to pursue that goal.


I am always on the lookout for improved detoxification methods. After Cancer is Natural, So is the Cure was published, I discovered the remarkable work of Dr. Hazel Parcells. Her story isworth noting. After suffering constant intense pain that ultimately enveloped her entire body, she decided to seek medical attention. She was 40 years old.

“My husband had been an officer in World War I, so I was able to use the services of Fitzsimmons Army hospital in Denver. With a companion, I set out. What the doctors discovered confirmed my own feeling that the situation was grave, and perhaps terminal. I met the verdict of the medical professionals with silence; my friend burst into tears. X-rays showed that my right kidney was two-thirds gone, hemorrhaged away in the blood I had been losing. My heart had enlarged to the point where every one of the valves were seriously damaged. My weakened lungs had also begun to hemorrhage.... In the mind of the particular doctor reviewing my case, there was no doubt I would die a painful death, and very soon...my condition would not improve, he explained, but at least I would be kept as comfortable as possible during what would surely be the last few months or weeks. I decided to let my body reveal to me the means of its own repair...at the end of six months I returned to Denver and to the doctor who had issued my death sentence. He was quite surprised to see me. What was even more of a surprise was the result of the new x-rays. The pictures showed an outline of re-formation taking place in the kidney; a new kidney was being built. The lungs looked more normal and had stopped losing blood. The heart was much less swollen.

Healer: The Pioneer Nutritionist & Prophet Dr. Hazel Parcells in her Own Words at Age 106 by Joseph Dispenza. Boyne City, MI: Harbor House. 2014:37-41.

Dr. Parcells became a Doctor of Chiropractic, a Doctor of Naturopathy and earned two PhDs (in nutrition and comparative religions) and was head of research at a university. She lived to age 106 in excellent physical and mental health. Her work on detoxification is in this report.


Too many people die before their time. Too many lives are wracked with cancer, heart disease, diabetes, Parkinson’s Disease, Alzheimer’s, multiple sclerosis, ALS and many other chronic illnesses. These conditions were rare or unknown a century ago and are now epidemic.

That is true with neurological conditions such as autism, ADD, depression, bipolar disorder (manic depression) and other conditions affecting the brain that are the result of toxicity going deep and affecting the brain and nervous system.

Many of these terrible conditions can be ameliorated, reversed and go into remission when properly addressed. Dr. Hazel Parcells’ detoxification baths are inexpensive, easy-to-use and powerful methods to rid the body of toxins that cause dis-ease.


The skin is our largest organ and a major route of detoxification. Water temperature is crucial with these baths. The water temperature works best when it is as hot as can be tolerated (usually around 102 degrees F). The heat draws toxins to the surface of the skin and as the water gradually cools down, toxins are pulled into the water via the principle of osmosis – the cooling water draws from the strong heated body. This is the chemical principle: “the weak will draw from the strong.”

It is important to remain in the bath until the water cools in order to receive the full effect of these detoxifying therapeutic baths. Usually this takes 30-45 minutes. Do not add cool water to make it cool faster. Some general rules:

• Therapeutic baths are most effective before bedtime, because the body detoxifies naturally during sleep.

• Also, the baths will likely make you tired so it’s best to do them in the evening, before bed if possible.

• Use only one bathing formula per evening.

• If redness, dryness, itching or roughness of the skin develops it is an indication that the body is working to remove toxins. To minimize discomfort, rub a little olive oil or almond oil on the skin after bathing.

• If these baths are in any way too rigorous or unpleasant, please use common sense and cut back or discontinue.

• Do not shower until the morning.


KST respects the wisdom of the body and by using binary biofeedback, KST practitioners “ask” the body if the baths are indicated, are safe, which bath is best and how often the baths should be done. This way the patient’s care is individualized.

Below are six different therapeutic baths recommended by Dr. Parcells. As a general rule her patients bathed 2-3 times per week. After over 50 years of working with patients she found that the baths would keep most people’s detoxification/elimination channels open. These baths are a traditional part of Naturopathic practice and have even been used in medical hospitals. It isreferred to as hydrotherapy.

Linda Lancaster, a student of Dr. Parcells, recommends rotating the various baths weekly.(Harmonic Healing, p. 159)

Other detoxification procedures that can be used along with (or instead of) the baths are homeopathic remedies and Far Infrared Sauna.


This bath is powerful. It neutralizes and removes heavy metals such as mercury, aluminum, arsenic, cadmium and lead from vaccinations, dental fillings, antiperspirants and foods as well as other sources. This bath also removes carbon monoxide (from driving), unburned carbon toxicity, pesticides and herbicides.

I recommend this bath for children on the autistic spectrum and people who are vaccine injured. I use KST (occipital drop or OD) and ask if this or any other bath would be beneficial, how many baths are needed, how often and over how many weeks or months.

Dr. Parcels emphasized the dangers of aluminum and we should not cook or bake in aluminum utensils or use aluminum foil to store or wrap foods. Apart from being toxic, aluminum drains the energy out of foods.

Directions: Add one cup of Clorox (do not use other bleaches) to a tub of water. Use more as needed if your tub is oversized. Make the water as hot as can be comfortably tolerated. Don’t add anything else. Sit in the bath until the water cools, usually 30-45 minutes.

Children may use 1/2 cup of Clorox. Do not rinse after the bath – simply towel dry. Do not shower at least 4 hours afterwards.


This bath is beneficial for exposure to low grade radioactive materials in the atmosphere, irradiated food, including foods irradiated with cobalt 60. Indications for use are swollen glands, sore throat or soreness of the gums and mouth. It is also beneficial for those with digestive impairment such as the inability to hold food in the stomach comfortably.

Directions: Dissolve 4 cups of aluminum-free baking soda in a regular size tubful of water as hot as you can tolerate. Use more as needed if your tub is oversized. Mix . tsp of baking soda in a glass of warm water and sip during the bath. Stay in the bath until the water has cooled which will take approximately 45 minutes. Do not rinse after the bath – simply towel dry. Do not shower at least 4 hours afterwards.


This bath is therapeutic for any exposure to environmental radiation, x-rays, plane flights or airport screenings by TSA. Some symptoms are general muscular aches, nausea, headaches or disturbances in balance.

Directions: Dissolve one pound of sea salt or rock salt and one pound of baking soda to a regular sized tub of water (more if the tub is large) as hot as you can stand it. Stay in the bath until the water has cooled which will be about 45 minutes. Mix 1/2 tsp of salt and 1/2 tsp of baking soda in a glass of warm water and sip during the bath. Do not rinse or shower for at least four hours after the bath.


This bath is a great overall detoxifier. It is particularly useful in raising the acid level in the body to help build immunity and ward off a feeling that you are about to be ill.

ACV baths are used for muscle aches and pains brought on by physical exertion. An ACV bath also draws excess uric acid out of the body. Uric acid is created when the body breaks down substances called purines in certain foods and drinks. Most uric acid is eliminated via the kidneys in the urine, but some folks such as those with gout can have issues with excess levels.

An ACV cleansing bath can provide welcome relief for those with joint problems, arthritis, gout, bursitis or tendonitis. It also is very helpful for those with excessive body odor problems.

Directions: Add 2 cups of pure apple cider vinegar (pure, not flavored) to a regular sized tub of water as hot as tolerated. Use more as needed if your tub is oversized. Mix one tablespoon of ACV into a glass of warm water and sip during the bath. Stay in the bath until the water has cooled which will be about 45 minutes. Towel dry and don’t shower for at least four hours following the bath.


This bath oxidizes and breaks down pesticides andpetroleum-based products.

Directions: Use 1/3 cup of hydrogen peroxide. As with the other baths use water as hot as you can stand it and stay in the water until it begins to cool (30-45 minutes).


An Epsom salt bath is recommended to use 2-3 times weekly for general health maintenance or to alleviate the discomfort of bruising and sprains. Epsom salt baths encourages detoxification of drugs remaining in the body after surgery.

The scientific name for Epsom salt is magnesium sulfate. Magnesium and sulfur are both critical nutrients but surprisingly can be poorly absorbed from our food. Soaking in Epsom salt overcomes this problem as these minerals both absorb readily via the skin.

Epsom salt baths are beneficial for heart and circulatory health, can lower blood pressure, help ease muscle pain and eliminate harmful substances from the body. It also improves nerve function by encouraging proper regulation of electrolytes.

Directions: Dissolve 2 cups of Epsom salts in a regular sized bath. Use more as needed if your tub is oversized. The temperature should be comfortably warm but not overly hot. Soak for at least 12 minutes and up to 20-30 minutes. Rinse and towel dry.

CONTRAINDICATIONS: Be sure to only do one bathing formula per day. Do not mix ingredients from different bath recipes. If you are pregnant, consult with your healthcare practitioner before commencing any detox bath.


The above Parcells information was shamelessly taken from the below sources:

Dr. Hazel Parcells Professional Seminar Level 1. Albuquerque, New Mexico, February 9-13, 1981. Unpublished transcript, 473 pages.

Live Better Longer. The Parcells Center 7-Step Plan for Health and Longevity by Joseph Dispenza. NY: HarperCollins,1997.

HEALER: The Pioneer Nutritionist & Prophet Dr. Hazel Parcells in Her Own Words at Age 106 by Joseph Dispenza.

Boyne City, MI: Harbor House. 2014.

Harmonic Healing: Restore Your Vital Force for Lifelong Wellness by Linda Lancaster. NY: Rodale Books. 2019.

Terry Duffy, Parcells practitioner, private lectures, classes and speaker. www.compatiblealternatives.com

Contact her at Terry@glyphicsdesign.com.