CoA CLASSES will allow you to take charge
“Those of you empowered creators who can lead with love and an awareness that everything is connected to everything else will help to usher in the changes needed in the coming decades.”
Lee Harris, Leeharrisenergy.com
"Terry Duffy is a rare gift to the world of healing. Her sensitivity and expertise make her one of the healers that, if you have any health issues, she is the go-to person. She is also a teacher, and you’ll learn much from her as you rebalance, heal and rejuvenate.”
Tedd Koren, DC
• How can you enhance your immune system and help this amazing orchestra of ninja’s do the job of fighting off illness?
• Why is food your best medicine?
• What kind of food is the easiest to digest and assimilate into the blood stream?
Learn about preventative care that has been known to work, for hundreds, even thousands of years: Homeopathy, Essential Oils, Chinese Medicine, and the Parcells Method. In each category, you’ll explore the history, theory, and how to begin using these methods in your every day life. How to use alternative care and preventative thinking and blend them with western medicine is essential for having control over your health status. Become tuned into and responsible for your miraculous body. When it comes to your health, its management may take a village. Gain enough knowledge to ask the right questions and gather your best team. Remove the fear from trying something new.
I would love to teach a class, give a lecture or create an individual tutorial. Let me know what works for you. I’m passionate about spreading the knowledge I’ve gathered, practiced, and shared with others!
Did you know that at one time there were more homeopathic colleges in the United States than allopathic medical schools? Learn about the fascinating history of this subtle yet powerful remedy. See how homeopathy works with your body’s defense mechanism and balances your mental, emotional and physical body.
Kings would buy land, and gold with these precious oils. What was the secret of their popularity? How are essential oils different from a quality perfume? Why did the three Wise Men bring essential oils to the baby Jesus? Which oil should you always have in your first aid kit? Learn about the rich history of essential oils, how they are made, and how they have been used beyond healing for centuries.
There is a vast amount of information about Chinese medicine, but you can begin to understand it by unmasking the Five Element Theory. You’ll discover that “yin” and “yang” are not just symbols from the 1960s. Acupuncture, acupressure, and reflexology can help with so many issues. Learn what you can expect when you go to an acupuncturist and how your body will benefit.
This incredible woman, Dr. Hazel Parcells, lived to be 106. She showed how simple things, usually kept in your kitchen, can change the condition of your body and produce health. With me, you’ll explore her system of how to rid the body of pollutants with ingredients such as sea salt, baking soda, vinegar, olive oil, and teas via common-sense techniques. This information will change your life and balance your mind, body, and spirit.